Links to Medical Council/State Medical Registration Acts:
India | Arunachal Pradesh | Chattisgarh | Delhi | Gujarat | Himachal Pradesh | Karnataka | Kerala | Madhya Pradesh | Maharashtra | Punjab: Act, Amendment |Rajasthan | Tamil Nadu | West Bengal | Assam (news)
Links to CME Guidelines of State Medical Councils
Chattisgarh | Gujarat | Karnataka | Kerala | Madhya Pradesh | Maharashtra | Punjab | Rajasthan | Tamil Nadu | Uttar Pradesh |
Web Sites of Medical Councils
India | Andhra Pradesh | Arunachal Pradesh | Chattisgarh | Delhi | Gujarat | Karnataka | Kerala | Madhya Pradesh | Maharashtra | Punjab | Rajasthan | Tamil Nadu | Uttar Pradesh | West Bengal
Other Resources:
- Jesani A et al. Laws and Healthcare Providers. A Study of Legislation and Legal Aspects of Health Care Delivery. Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes. January, 1996. pp 27-28. Available at
- Travancore-Cochin Medical Council Notification for Renewal. Available at
Also See:
- Anupama Sukhlecha. Continued medical education credit hours: Are they being awarded too liberally? Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics 2013;4(2):164-165 Available at
- Sohoni C. Continuing medical education (CME): Why the fuss?. Indian J Radiol Imaging [serial online] 2011 [cited 2014 Mar 26];21:158-9. Available from:
- Kakkilaya BS. Raajyada Vaidyarige MarunOndaNiya SankaTa. Vijaya Karnataka. April 2, 2014 Available from:
- Doctors oppose registration rule. TNN. Feb 14, 2012. Available at
- Medico-legal-queries: What is the legal validity of re-registration based upon CME attendance? Discussion at - Dheeraj Mulchandani. MMC Registration Renewal….What A Disgrace! February 23, 2012. Available at - KK Aggarwal. Time for the medical profession to act: The proposed Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2013. Available at
- Dr Malpani’s Blog. Why medical conferences are a waste of time and money . Available at - WHO. Continuing medical education in India: Delays in legislation slow the progress of continuing medical education in India. Available at
- Miller LA et al. CME credit systems in three developing countries: China, India and Indonesia. Journal of European CME 2015;4: 27411. At